Mateo Maximov
O Mateo Maksimoff (opretele 17 Pervonay 1917, Barselona - 24 Deshtoyeknay 1999) sas yek Romano lekhavno (pe Fransikanes).
Lesko dad sas Rom Kalderash, leski day, Manushni (Sintesa) (e Romane manusha andar e Fransiya). O Dad siklyardya les te drabarel (chitisarel), lekhavel (rimol) tay te ginavel. May phendya leske but pa e Rusiya, pa o Puranipen le Kalderashengo, pa kaver Romane nyamurya. Vov mulo kana Mateo sas 14 bershengo. Deatunchara, o terno Mateo trebulas te kerel but buti te pravarel pes tay leske phralen tay phenyan.
1936 bershesko, kana shirdya o Andruno Maripen e Spaniyako, vov tay peski familiya gele kay Fransiya. Ando 1940 to bersh, von phandavde, e sirale phenindoy ke si spionurya. Beshlen 42 divesa andekh lager e "spionengo", palal kodya e sirale bichhalde len ko lager e "Jipsiyengo", ando Thanipen Tarbes, vi may palal ko Lannemazan.
Palal o Duyto Lumyako Maripen, vov beshlo andi Fransiya. Lekhavdo deshuekh lila, ambolde pe deshushtar Chiba.
Vov sas vi Evangelikano Pastor tay amboldyas pe Romanes o Nevo Testamento.
[editisar | modificare sursă]- "Angels of Destiny" (1999)
- "People of Roads" (1995)
- "Roads without Caravans" (1993)
- "This world that isn't mine" (1992)
- "Say that with tears" (1990)
- "Vinguerka" (1987)
- "The Doll of Mameliga" (1986)
- "Condemned for Surviving" (1984)
- "The Seventh Daughter" (1979)
- "Savina" (1957)
- "The price of Freedom" (1955)
- "The Ursitory" (1946)